23 April 2011

A Practically Nude Lady GaGa Gets Riled Up In NME Magazine

the on the go buzz lady gaga nude magazine cover nme zipper

Lady GaGa is sporting her favorite facial prostheses (that are actually her bones?) in this week's issue of NME magazine. And that's about all she's sporting. The "Judas" singer is wearing a see-through catsuit (with some very strategically placed zippers), heavy eyeliner, and a purple pageboy wig. It's so weird because I wore the same thing to church this weekend.

Inside the issue, Godga got a little defensive when asked about her authenticity as a music artist. "Let me tell you something," she stated, "If you f------ rip my hairbow and my wig off my f------ head, my shoes, my bra, every single thing on my body, and you throw me on a piano with a microphone, I will f------ make you cry." Okay... Point taken!

The "Born This Way" singer also explains her frustration with big-name artists and producers who keep sending her their tracks to record not realizing she writes all of her own songs. "If you want me to be a manufactured act, you can f--- off," she says. Heard ya loud and clear, GaGa!

Check out the full interview with Lady GaGa in this week's NME magazine, on newsstands now.

the on the go buzz lady gaga nude magazine cover nme zipper

Credit all images: Mariano Vivanco/NME Magazine

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