23 April 2011

Susan Boyle Wax Figure Revealed At Madame Tussauds

the on the go buzz susan boyle wax madame tussauds

Credit: Getty

You know you've made it when the people at Madame Tussauds create a life-sized wax doppelganger of you. Such is the case for former Cat Lady and "Britain's Got Talent" breakout star Susan Boyle, who unveiled her own wax statuette at the Tussauds museum in Blackpool, UK. As usual, it's almost impossible to tell the real celebrity from the fake one, but something tells us that, if a famous singer is going to be immortalized, it's more likely she'd be wearing a black ballroom gown than a soft pastel blouse with khaki pants.

Now you, too, can take a picture alongside Boyle as she walks in the waxy footsteps of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. Meanwhile, if you've followed the extreme makeover that Boyle has gone through since first wooing the "Britain's Got Talent" audience with her mind-blowing pipes, you'll notice she's looking pretty damn good these days. We bow to you, SuBo!

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