24 October 2010

Lindsay Lohan’s Probation Revoked After Failed Drug Test

lindsay lohan

Lindsay Lohan might soon have more than the embarrassment of a positive drug test to contend with. After admitting Friday to failing a test, TMZ reported Monday (September 20) that Lohan’s probation has been revoked and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest in the incident.

Lohan has been ordered to appear in court Friday morning, which means that, although the warrant was issued Monday, it will be held until she comes before Judge Elden Fox or executed should she fail to appear. The gossip outlet claimed that the revocation came after Fox read about Lohan failing a drug test — the site has claimed she actually failed two recent tests — on TMZ. According to the site, one test showed the presence of cocaine in Lohan’s system and in another, she allegedly tested positive for amphetamines.

Before she entered jail in July, it was revealed that Lohan had a prescription for the ADHD drug Adderall, which is an amphetamine, but it is unknown if it was that prescription medication that caused the positive test.

Lohan’s lawyer could not be reached for comment at press time.

On Monday, Robert J. Lindsey, president and CEO of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, told MTV News that, while it was not surprising that Lohan appears to have relapsed, he was encouraged by her ownership of the slip-up.

“From what I’ve heard, the tone with which Lindsay talked about the fact that she tested positive was very encouraging,” Lindsey said. “She really recognized that what this is is a relapse into active addiction, and she is very committed to making sure that she gets back on track.”

Over the weekend, Lohan admitted to failing her recent drug test. Hours after reports surfaced Friday that the “Mean Girls” actress didn’t pass her latest test, the troubled starlet conceded she was still struggling with addiction.

“Regrettably, I did in fact fail my most recent drug test and if I am asked, I am prepared to appear before judge Fox next week as a result,” Lohan tweeted late Friday night. “Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn’t go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps forward every day. I am testing every single day and doing what I must do to prevent any mishaps in the future. … This was certainly a setback for me but I am taking responsibility for my actions and I’m prepared to face the consequences.”

According to the conditions of her post-rehab release, the actress could return to prison for 30 days if Fox confirms that she failed a drug and alcohol test. Lohan served 13 days of a 90-day jail sentence in July over a probation violation from a pair of 2007 DUI cases.

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