28 April 2011

What's French For 'Beyonce, Covered In Flowers On A Balcony In Paris'?

the on the go buzz beyonce balcony hotel paris

Credit: Getty Images

Beyoncé has been living it up in Paris recently. First, she was spotted at Disneyland Paris wearing a Goofy hat (no, not a "goofy" hat, a Goofy hat -- with the ears, you know?). Now she's following things up by bringing out the "glammo," prettying up (not a difficult task when you're Beyoncé) for a photo shoot that found her giving her best "Evita face." We're not sure if she was necessarily tipping her hat, so to speak, to Madonna's portrayal of Eva Perón, but she sure does make a strong case for a remake.

Once again, Beyoncé proves that she can wear anything, including a see-through skirt and bustier covered in what looks like half a bushel of rose petals. If she can make a Goofy hat look beautiful, dressing like the onetime first lady of Argentina is basically a cakewalk. Of course, we'd be more than happy to hear Beyoncé sing "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina," considering she's already crossed "Dreamgirls" off her list of Famous Musicals To Conquer.

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