21 December 2010

Miley Cyrus Is Learning ‘Street Fighting’ For ‘So Undercover’

the go buzz miley cyrus

Last week we learned that for her new film “So Undercover,” Miley Cyrus will take on the part of “a tough, street-smart private eye hired by the FBI to go undercover in a college sorority.” And while that description is accurate — and sort of awesome — it also sells the role short.

As Cyrus explained to MTV News backstage at the 2010 Europe Music Awards, her character is a whole lot more than just a private eye.

“She’s basically this chick who grows up as a super tomboy, and she’s an FBI agent and gets thrown into a bunch of girls that she doesn’t understand because she’s been around her dad, who’s been in the FBI his whole life,” Cyrus told us in Madrid. “And basically, by having to go undercover and be someone that she’s not, she kind of finds the person she is, because she realizes she doesn’t have to carry the weight on her shoulder of what her dad was, and she can be her own person.”

And while there’s depth to the role, Cyrus is also the first to admit that there are plenty of other perks that came along with it, namely, access to a trainer who’s in the process of turning her into a badass street fighter, complete with an arsenal of moves that she’d probably love to unleash on a pesky paparazzo or two.

“I’ve been actually doing all kinds of stuff. … I’ve been doing fighting, like learning how to box … mostly like street fighting, so knowing how to, like, if someone comes up from behind you, being able to defend yourself,” she said. “I have a trainer and I have bruises everywhere from, like, kicking the bags. … And I’ve learned how to use guns, which was really scary,” Cyrus admitted. “I cried the first time, I was like, ‘I’m not doing this … can’t do this movie,’ [but] then you get used to it, you get used to the feeling. You get used to, like, dropping, like he’ll like point it at you and you’ve got to drop down real quick and grab your weapon and come back up. It’s been really insane, so, it’s a more fun workout than running on a treadmill.”

Production on “So Undercover” begins in December, which means that, between now and then, Cyrus is only going to get tougher and tougher — and that’s bad news for anyone who’s thinking of crossing her.

“I want to learn how to do most of my own stuff,” she smiled. “Just for normal life, I think every woman should know a little self-defense.”

Consider yourself warned.

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