05 May 2010

Lady Gaga Sheds ‘So Many Tears’ Over New Tribute Video

lady gaga

“I’ve never cried so hard in 24 years, from pure joy and unconditional love,” she wrote of the YouTube video, conceived and edited by Gaga superfan Ryan James Yezak. “Tears still streaming.”

Well, on Monday (April 26) she turned on the waterworks yet again, this time for a fan-made video called “Project Gaga 2010,” which featured her minions — the so-called “Little Monsters” — thanking Gaga “for giving us a voice.”

“So many tears, [you] make me whole Little Monsters,” Gaga tweeted. “Without [you], I would have no voice. Thank you.”

The clip, posted on Sunday, is the largest fan-made Gaga tribute video to date, featuring 268 Little Monsters from around the world (the U.S., U.K., Germany, New Zealand, Greece, Brazil and Italy, to name just a few spots) decked out in their Gaga-iest getups, holding up personalized signs thanking Gaga for inspiring them, providing them with the courage to be unique and, most of all, giving them a voice.

“We have come here today to thank you, Mother Monster, for giving all of us a voice,” a voice-over at the beginning of the video states. “We thank you and salute you … for you have made us all free bitches, baby. Hail the Queen of Monsters.”

So far, the video has been viewed more than 35,000 times and early Monday morning the creators of the clip took to their Twitter account to thank Gaga once again — and share the love with the Little Monsters who helped make the project possible in the first place.

“We did this video all together, like true monsters do,” they wrote. “We must have all had an amazing Mother Monster, Lady Gaga.”

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