29 March 2009

Children's Org to Madonna: Leave the Kids Alone!

MadonnaMadonna's efforts to adopt another child are seriously under fire by a British organization that says she needs to ease up on the whole "give a kid a chance" thing.

According to a statement released by Save the Children UK, Madonna may be sending the wrong message by going through with her plans to adopt a second child from the poor African country, Malawi. A welfare official and a person involved in the adoption proceedings said the singer plans to adopt a 4-year-old girl.

The org believes Madonna's actions may unintentionally feed more interest into the criminal adoption industry in Malawi. Madonna faced criticism during the adoption of her son David Banda in 2008 after she allegedly circumvented the traditional two year waiting period by using her money and influence.

Some people may think buying people is wrong ... but everyone agrees that living with Madonna would be way worse.


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