23 July 2009

Jessica Simpson Tries to Work It Out

Looking radiant for a girl who was dumped right before her birthday party, Jessica Simpson emerged Monday at a West Hollywood gym.

Jessica Simpson
Getting back in shape is the first step of any good break-up revenge plan.

Vanessa Hudgens Feels Violated, Sues

Vanessa HudgensVanessa Hudgens claims she's been double crossed -- and now she's suing her former manager for allegedly breaking the terms of a very secret and very expensive settlement deal.

The High School Musical star just filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court accusing Johnny Vieira of violating a court-approved settlement. Vanessa says Johnny broke his promise by making it look like he still represented her on his MySpace page.

Vanessa forked over money to settle Johnny's beef with her back in April -- he had sued her for allegedly stiffing him on commissions.

Vanessa now claims since Vieira broke their secret settlement -- she should get her money back. We'll see if the judge agrees.

Jessica Simpson Loves the Ladies

With a few of her close gal pals including former assistant CaCee Cobb, newly dumped Jessica Simpson had a girls night out on Saturday.

Jessica Simpson

The 29-year-old Tweeted, "Love my ladies!!! Wish I could be with them everyday of my life. Laughter is wonderful :)"

With no man in her life, Jess can always turn to women.

Paula Abdul -- One Pissed Off Judge!

Paula Abdul is pissed off that Ryan Seacrest is a very rich man, our "American Idol" spies say.

Abdul isn't angry at Ryan personally for his new $45 million, 3-year deal, but she's bent out of shape at producers that she's making minimum "Idol" wage -- we're told between $2 and $3 mil a year.

Our spies say producers want Paula back for sure, but she's now doing the Hollywood thing of pretending like she'll walk.

Here's the fun part. Auditions for the next season start on August 6. We're told there are already plans to start the auditions without her if they don't have a deal.

As for what Paula wants -- we're told somewhere between 2 and 3 times what she's making now. Here's our guess -- $4.5 a year ... a lot better than the $5,000 a week she pulled in for season one.

Madonna Visits Injured Stage Workers

On the same day she was supposed to perform in Marseille, Madonna -- dressed in all black and wearing a cross -- visited the technicians who were hospitalized when her concert stage collapsed last week.

The cause of the collapse, which killed two people, is still unknown.

Welcome to Hollywood -- Abdul Threatens 'Idol'

Paula AbdulPaul Abdul is hurt, angry and threatening to quit "American Idol" ... like "60 Minutes" wants to snatch her up.

It's absurd, but Abdul's manager told the L.A. Times, "Very sadly, it does not appear that she's going to be back on 'Idol," adding "Idol" producers have been "rude and disrespectful" by not offering her a new deal.

Ok, let's now get real. Our "A.I." spies say Abdul is raking in about 2 1/2 million bucks a year -- a nice check, but compared to the $15 mil a year that Ryan Seacrest just sealed ...

In Hollywood, stars have to talk the walk in order to rob the bank. Paula's manager says since "Idol" hasn't offered her a new deal she's now considering starting a competitive show. Here's the deal ... Paula tried starting her own series a few years back with Paramount .... NIGHTMARE! The idea crashed and burned.

So it's yet another ploy for more moolah, and more power to her. Whatever the deal it's a long way from Paula's first season paycheck -- our "A.I." spies say she was pulling in $5,000 a week.

David Beckham -- Give the Bod a Hand

Posh's hubby showed off his smooth, tatted up figure yesterday after the L.A. Galaxy defeated the New York Red Bulls 3-1.

David Beckham
So long as he keeps taking his shirt off, everyone wins.

Eva Mendes: Curves Your Enthusiasm

While on vacation in Italy yesterday, sexy Eva Mendes went two-pieces.

Eva Mendes

And we thank her.

17 July 2009

Amy Winehouse On the Loose

Amy Winehouse Single, white popwreck, freshly-rehabbed (allegedly) seeks mate who is not in a heavy-security prison -- that's the personal ad we're expecting from Amy Winehouse any day now.

A London judge granted the divorce between the queen of St. Lucia and Blake Fielder-Civil -- it becomes final in just over six weeks if no disputes arise.

Blake -- who spent most of the marriage behind bars -- filed the divorce papers earlier this year after Wino admitted to cheating.

Paris Hilton ... Poser -- Even at the DMV!

Paris Hilton Normal people get one shot at a driver's license photo -- which explains why they're so awful -- but Paris Hilton ... not normal.

Peeps at the DMV in Santa Monica tell us Paris paid a visit yesterday and got a new pic ... after posing for 5 of them.

We're also told Hilton's assistant called ahead and asked the staff for a little special treatment so the woman famous for doing nothing wouldn't have to stagnate in a long line. They accommodated the request.

And employees were told to turn their cell phones off so no one would take a pic of Hilton getting her picture taken ... so her DMV picture is EXCLUSIVE!

Madge & Whitney: 2 Divas, 1 Dress

With only two nations and the English Channel separating them, Madonna (in Milan) & Whitney Houston (in London) both wore the same Dolce & Gabbana dress last night. Hell to the no!

Madonna and Whitney

This is probably the closest thing to a duet these two pop icons will ever do together.

Jay-Z Adjusts ... to Married Life

With one arm around his wife and the other down his pants, Jay-Z strolled down a NYC street with Beyonce on Tuesday.

Beyonce and Jay-Z

The Ugly Truth: Being handy isn't always a good thing.

Lil Wayne Sued Over Sleepiness

Lil Wayne Sued Over Sleepiness It certainly would have been cheaper to buy an alarm clock. Lil Wayne is being sued for nearly half-a-million bucks for sleeping when he should have been performing.

Red City Entertainment claims it fronted $432,000 for a Wayne concert appearance in the Bahamas. On September 27, 2008, there were plenty of lights and cameras... but no action, because Wayne was passed out in his hotel room. When he didn't show for the performance, cops went to his hotel and found him unconscious.

In the lawsuit filed today, Red City claims it gave Wayne a $210,000 advance. The balance is for his hotel expenses and various costs involved in throwing the failed concert.

Calls to Lil Wayne's rep were not returned.

LaBeouf Transforms LaBody

Showing off his six pack and his still-bandaged hand, Shia LaBeouf went for a shirtless run in L.A. yesterday.

Shia LaBeouf
If only "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was as good as this pic.

Britney's Former Pal -- They Ruined My Life!

Britney Spears Britney Spears' former BFF has filed legal papers in his defamation lawsuit against Britney and her parents, claiming they have ruined his life.

Sam Lutfi claims Lynne Spears' book about her famous daughter is a pack of lies, especially the part in which she says Sam told her he secretly ground up pills and put them in Britney's food.

Lutfi says as a result of the book, "I am constantly in fear for my life..." He says he was "harassed and cajoled by the public." If our memory serves us correctly, Lutfi was cajoled long before Lynne's book was published.

Lutfi trotted out his own cast of character witnesses in the new legal docs -- notably the infamous Adnan Ghalib -- currently being prosecuted for felony battery. Adnan wrote a declaration, claiming Lynne's assertions that Sam was effectively holding Britney hostage were false.

Michael Jackson -- #7

Michael Jackson -- #7Get ready to have your mind blown. Ready? Here we go ...

-- Michael Jackson signed his will on 7/7/02.
-- Michael Jackson's memorial was on 7/7/09 ... exactly 7 years after the will was signed.
-- Michael Jackson's two biggest hits -- "Black & White" and "Billie Jean" -- were each #1 for 7 weeks.
-- Michael Jackson's three biggest albums -- "Thriller," "Bad" and "Dangerous" -- each produced 7 top 40 hits.
-- Michael Jackson was the 7th of 9 children.
-- Michael Jackson was born in 1958 ... 19 + 58 = 77
-- Michael Jackson died on the 25th ... 2 + 5 = 7
-- Michael Jackson has 7 letters in his first and last name.

If you're looking for lottery numbers tonight, we recommend something with the number 7 in it.

Bikini it Like Beckham

Wearing matching bathing suits/underwear, David and Victoria Beckham vacationed in the Seychelles Islands to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this weekend.

Bikini Like Beckham

The couple that shares bikini bottoms together, stays together.

16 July 2009

Rihanna Pays Homage to Janet Jackson

Sporting her 2004 Super Bowl commemorative nipple clamp, Rihanna celebrated Independence Day by partying at Tao in Vegas.


Justin Timberlake had nothing to do with this "wardrobe malfunction."

K-Fed -- One Day in Paris

With Britney Spears' moneymaking tour in town, Kevin Federline -- wearing a huge Michael Jackson t-shirt -- spent the afternoon sightseeing with his boys, a nanny, and girlfriend Victoria Prince in Paris (the city) this weekend.


Kevin is getting around $30K to watch the nanny watch his kids while Britney's on tour.

06 July 2009

Madonna Pays Tribute to Jackson

At the same venue -- the O2 in London -- where Michael Jackson was set to perform a series of concerts, Madonna took time out of her show last night to honor the late singer.

Kathy Griffin Breaks the Mold

Madame Tussauds has outdone themselves by making the most real-looking wax figure of a D-list celeb -- Kathy Griffin.

Kathy Griffin

Granted when you have fake hair, teeth and body parts, the figurine basically sculpts itself.

Kathy attempted to crack a smile at the waxen beauty's unveiling in Vegas yesterday.

Zac Efron Comes Up Short

The Rachel for men is dead.

Zac Efron

Zac Efron has finally cut his wispy, banged, accidentally/on purpose messy, gelled man-shag.

That noise you hear is the sound of millions of tween girls (and some boys) screaming in the streets.

Brad Pitt -- Saved by the Paparazzi

Brad Pitt's worst nightmares came true today in Los Angeles: His motorcycle broke down AND he had to get rescued by a pap that was following him.

Brad Pitt

Hopefully, Angelina won't yell at him for being late for dinner.

Court Goes After Reporter in Rihanna Case

Chris BrownLegal documents have been filed asking a judge to hold a reporter in the Chris Brown case in contempt of court.

According to docs filed with the court, Russell Alan Wetanson runs a website that posted video of interviews in the hallway outside the courtroom where Chris Brown pled guilty to felony assault -- court rules prohibit such taping.

Wetanson, who is a lawyer, was notified by the public information officer of the court of the violation and the videos were removed from his website.

But now a contempt hearing could be set, which raises the possibility that Wetanson could be sent to the pokey.

Britney: I'm on a Boat!

With her two birth children in tow, Britney Spears Jackson cruised on a yacht in Marina del Rey the other day.

Britney Spears

Britney's ship has sailed.

01 July 2009

Clooney Caught in Bogus Celebrity Death Craze

George ClooneyGood news everyone -- George Clooney is alive and well ... just like Jeff Goldblum and Natalie Portman.

For some reason, some seriously messed up people at fakeawish.com dropped some evil rumors that Clooney was the latest star to croak this week ... and now, we've learned the fake stories have caused some serious concern within his circles.

TMZ spoke with Clooney's publicist, Stan Rosenfield, who told us he's been bombarded by frantic calls from legitimate media outlets and some of Clooney's friends who were genuinely shaken by reports of Clooney's death.

With the rash of actual celebrity deaths in the last few weeks, "death pranks" are at an all-time high -- but the people who are starting these terrible lies ... they're still the lowest of the low.

Matt & Sarah Plus 3

Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick and their ecstatic son, James, put on a happy face and welcomed the newest members of the family: twin sisters Marion Loretta Elwell and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.

sarah jessica parker matthew broderick

Not pictured: SJP's surrogate, who gave birth to the adorable little ladies last week in Martins Ferry, Ohio.

Spears -- Once Bitten, Twice Twit-hacked

When Britney Spears Twittered about her lady parts having "razor sharp teeth" back in January -- it was obvious (to most) she'd fallen victim to a Twitter-hack ... so her alleged death this weekend wasn't exactly a doozy.

Spears' people confirmed that her Twitpic account had been hacked again Saturday, when someone Twittered on her page: "Britney has passed today. It is a sad day for everyone. More news to come."

Brit's peeps have confirmed that she's just fine, y'all!

Debbie Rowe -- She Gets Custody if She Wants

Debbie RoweDebbie Rowe is poised to take full custody of the two children she bore for Michael Jackson.

It has been widely reported Debbie Rowe gave up her parental rights to Paris and Michael Jr. That is not true.

During the custody fight that Rowe had with Jackson in 2005, she attempted to give up her parental rights, saying Michael was the greatest father ever. Retired Judge Stephen Lachs, who presided over the hearing, initially ruled her rights were terminated ... but then Lachs reversed his decision.

Here's what happened. We spoke with Lance Spiegel, the lawyer who repped Jackson at the time. Spiegel says under the law, the Department of Children and Family Services must conduct a parental fitness investigation before parental rights are terminated and that didn't happen with Rowe.

So Rowe has never given up any of her parental rights. As a result, under California law, Rowe is now presumed to be the person who will get custody. The only way Rowe can be denied custody is if a court determines it would be "detrimental to the children."

As for whether Rowe will ask for custody .... our sources say you can bet on it. We're told if Rowe gets custody she will get "a huge amount of child support from Jackson's estate."

Michael Jackson Dies -- Celebs Go to Twitter

Michael JacksonSince news of Michael Jackson's death today, celebrity friends and fans have released the following reactions on their Twitter accounts:

Arnold Schwarzenegger:
We lost a great entertainer and a pop icon. My thoughts and prayers go out to Michael Jackson's family, friends and fans.

Michael Jackson showed me that you can actually see the beat. He made the music come to life!! He made me believe in magic. I will miss him!

Samantha Ronson:
His music is just as relevant now as it was the day they pressed record, I'm sure it will remain so for generations to come.R.I.P.Mr Jackson.

Dane Cook: I'm dedicating my show 2night to Michael Jackson. THRILLER got me laid. Well... At least thats what I told my friends.

Heidi Montag:
the world has suffered a GREAT loss today Michael Jackson my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and fans God bless.

Ice T:
Rest In Peace Mike. People can say what they want but you were 100% original. WE will always love , miss & remember your GREATNESS.

John Mayer:
Dazed in the studio. A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us. RIP MJ. I think we'll mourn his loss as well as the loss of ourselves as children listening to Thriller on the record player.

Ashley Tisdale: So sad. Saying a prayer for Michael Jackson.

Miley Cyrus:
michael jackson was my inspiration. love and blessings

If it were not for Micheal Jackson I would not be where or who I am today.His Music and Legacy will live on Forever.Prayers to the famR.I.P.

MC Hammer: I have no words.. I loved Michael Jackson.. RIP..

Kelly Rowland: Michael you left such a legacy on this earth, have touched SO MANY!!! We thank you for such a driving inspiration in music & our lives!! This has got to be one of the saddest days in music history!! Michael Rest In Peace! WE miss you!

Star Jones: Death comes to all. But great achievements build a monument." He IS and WAS the greatest entertainer of all times...Peace to you brother.

Lindsay Lohan
: NO OMG ... sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family ... i feel sick..

Marlon Wayans: My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I'm crushed! Please pray.

Pete Wentz: Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson ... I haven't hope in so long that news isn't true.

Kim Kardashian: Wow I am truly in shock that Michael Jackson has passed away! I love u Jackson family, my prayers are with the whole family!

Ashton Kutcher:
Rip Sending love and light to family and friend but especially his kids.

Shanna Moakler: The hard thing about getting older is watching all those who inspired you pass, love to the jackson family..

Jacko's Ex Publicist Goes Off on Michael

Michael Jackson's former publicist, Michael Levine, just released the following statement, claiming he saw today's tragic events coming for years.

michael jackson

"As someone who served as Michael Jackson's publicist during the 1st child molestation incident, I must confess I am not surprised by today's tragic news.

Michael has been on an impossibly difficult and often self-destructive journey for years. His talent was unquestionable but so too was his discomfort with the norms of the world.

A human simply can not withstand this level of prolonged stress.''

Recording Academy on MJ -- 'True Musical Icon'

michael jacksonTMZ just received the following statement from The Recording Academy -- the people behind The Grammys:

"Rarely has the world received a gift with the magnitude of artistry, talent and vision as Michael Jackson.

He was a true musical icon whose identifiable voice, innovative dance moves, stunning musical versatility and sheer star power carried him from childhood to worldwide claim.

A 13-time Grammy recipient, Michael's career transcends musical and cultural genres, and his contributions will always keep him in our hearts and memories.

We are deeply saddened by this tragic news, and our hearts go out to his family and to music lovers around the globe who mourn this great loss."

-Neil Portnow
The Recording Academy

Quincy Jones -- I've Lost My Little Brother

Quincy JonesWe just received the following statement from Quincy Jones, who produced Michael Jackson's legendary "Thriller" album:

"I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news. For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words.

Divinity brought our souls together on The Wiz and allowed us to do what we were able to throughout the 80's.

To this day, the music we created together on "Off The Wall," "Thriller" and "Bad" is played in every corner of the world and the reason for that is because he had it all...talent, grace, professionalism and dedication.

He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever.

I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him

The Hulk in Shock Over Jacko's Death

Luo FerrignoLou Ferrigno -- former "Hulk" star and Michael's trainer for his upcoming tour -- and his wife, Carla, are in pieces over the King of Pop's passing.

Carla, crying, told us: "He was so great and we all loved him. Lou can't even form words right now -- he's in total shock ... he thought he was going to be training Michael tomorrow. He was planning on flying back to Los Angeles to do it. He's very shocked right now. Michael was so cute and sweet -- he didn't deserve this."

Al Sharpton -- Pray for Jacko

Al SharptonTMZ just received the following statement from Al Sharpton:

"A friend of Michael's for the last 35 years, I call on people around the world to pray for him and his family in the hour.

I have known Michael since we were both teens, worked with him, marched for him, hosted him at our House of Justice headquarters in New York, and we joined together to eulogize our mutual idol, James Brown.

I have known him at his high moments and his low moments and I know he would want us to pray for his family

Mother of Jackson's Kids Reacts

Michael JacksonWe're told Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, is "inconsolable."

For the record, Debbie gave up all parental rights to the two children -- Paris and Michael Jr. Therefore she is not legally in line to take custody.

UPDATE: We just pulled legal documents regarding custody of Debbie and Michael's kids, and you can see here the moment when Debbie gave up her parental rights.

In the docs, when Debbie is informed she'll have no rights, she says, "Not that I don't love them. I do. I think they're adorable. They're his kids. They're his kids. They're not my kids. They're his kids."

Michael Jackson's Doc Speaks on Death

We' just spoke with Dr. Arnold Klein, the Beverly Hills dermatologist who has treated Michael Jackson for decades -- the man who has seen Jackson weekly for the last few months.

Klein said, "Michael is a gift from heaven. He was the most talented man I've ever known. He was a great father and we should pray for him."

Michael Jackson -- Cardiac Arrest

UPDATE -- Michael Jackson passed away at the age of 50.

We've just learned Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Los Angeles ... and we're told it was cardiac arrest and that paramedics administered CPR in the ambulance ... and it's looking bad.

He was picked up at his home around 20 minutes ago -- we're told his mother is on the way to visit him.

UPDATE: The 911 call came in at 12:21PM at his Holmby Hills home in L.A.

UPDATE: A Jackson family member tells TMZ Michael is in "really bad shape" and the brothers are headed to UCLA.

UPDATE: We just got off the phone with Joe Jackson, Michael's dad, who says "he is not doing well."

Farrah Fawcett Dies

Farrah Fawcett We've learned Farrah Fawcett died at 9:28 AM today. Ryan O'Neal and Alana Stewart were at her bedside. She was 62.

She died at St. John's hospital in Santa Monica in the ICU. Also present -- Farrah's longtime friend and hairdresser, Mila Murphy, and Dr. Piero, who has been caring for her.

Farrah's only child, Redmond, was not present. He's currently in jail. A petition will have to be filed for Redmond to be able to attend the funeral -- as of now, this hasn't happened.

The "Charlie's Angels" star was diagnosed with anal cancer back in 2006.

UPDATE: We've learned Ryan and Farrah did not marry during her final days. Alana Stewart, who has known Farrah for 30 years, said "she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her."

Ryan O'Neal just released the following: "After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away. Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."

Nas -- Kelis Should Put a Cork in It

Nas KelisKelis secretly threw a Hail Mary in her bitter divorce war with Nas, but the judge had no sympathy.

Kelis, who is about to pop with her first kid, has been begging the judge to make Nas pay for pre-natal expenses and baby stuff. So far Nas hasn't paid squat.

A hearing is set for July 21. Kelis is asking for $3,500 for a baby nurse, 20,000 for strollers, cribs and stuff, etc. But here's the snag. Kelis may be in labor during the hearing. And she needs money badly. So her lawyer went to court asking to move the hearing date up.

Sadly for Kelis, the judge was on vacation and the substitute judge wouldn't mess with the court calendar.

So Kelis is poor and pregnant, Nas apparently couldn't care less ... and the wheel of justice grinds slowly.

Perez -- So Sorry for Gay Slur

Perez HiltonPerez Hilton is apologizing for the gay slur he threw at Will.I.Am on Sunday night in Toronto -- with an asterisk.

GLAAD had asked the battered blogger for an "I'm sorry" a few days back -- but Hilton makes it perfectly clear that GLAAD can pound sand.

Here's the mea culpa for calling Will.I.Am a "fa**ot."

"I am apologizing to the gay community, to anyone who was hurt by my choice of words," adding "the 'F' word will never be uttered from my lips again."

Perez also says, "I have reached out to Isaiah Washington, someone I incorrectly labeled a homophobe, despite his own public statements that he was not."

SJP Surrogate Needs Help -- Who You Gonna Call?

Sarah Jesscia ParkerSarah Jessica Parker's surrogate mama needs security, because paparazzi are overrunning the little town where she lives.

So the PD has been asked to help. Who, you ask, will take charge of the go team? The police chief who is under investigation for allegedly breaking into her home and trying to sell info about her and Sarah to a tabloid.

We spoke with officials in Martins Ferry, Ohio, who told us Police Chief Barry Carpenter will manage the team assigned to protect the surrogate.

The mayor told us that he has his concerns but has faith in the police department ... isn't that called blind faith?

Billy Bob's Daughter Indicted for Murder

Billy Bob ThorntonThe long estranged daughter of Billy Bob Thornton has been charged with first degree murder, aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter of a one-year-old girl who died under her care.

Back in October, Amanda Brumfield told cops the child died after falling from her playpen -- but detectives had a hard time believing her story because it wasn't consistent with the little girl's injuries.

An autopsy determined the child suffered a fractured skull and a subdural hematoma due to blunt trauma.

When the story initially broke, Thornton's publicist told TMZ that the two haven't spoken for "quite some time."